I learned how to put continuity editing in action so that I could create a seamless video with various shot types. I used a match on action shot, an eye line shot, a cut in, a cut out and shot/reverse shots abiding by the 180 degree rule.

To begin with we had to create a story board to follow when recording our shots. We did this by taking photos with a Digital SLR camera. This was fairly simple to do, I just put the camera on Auto format so that the task was completed fast. and when we finished taking the photos we created a simple story board on photoshop and imported the photos in order of sequence.

Our organisation wasn't the strongest. We didn't take more than one back up shots so when it came to putting the video together and there were jump cuts, we had to film the shots again on a different day. Unfortunately we didn't have one of the people we filmed so we had to use a different person, it was difficult to mask but we managed to do it. This default decreased the quality of our final video and our final piece wasn't as seamless as we would have liked.

The video cameras were easy to use for recording but when it came to uploading the recordings onto the computer it became more difficult as we hadn't done it before. What I learned about the using the video cameras is that a tripod must be used to keep a steady shot and so that if a second shot was needed no jump cuts would occur. To upload the videos onto using a fire wire. We uploaded them onto premier so that we could transfer the shots needed onto the computer and piece them together on the time line.

When all the clips needed were on the time line, we then had to rearrange them and slice them together so that it was one continuous video. When jump cuts had to be masked a clip could be cut slightly using the trimming tool. Originally, to put in our cut out we put the clip into the bar above the rest of the clips so that no sound would be heard but the sound from the unseen clip was. However because of lack of organisation, the cut out had to be filmed again and we ran out of time to place it in again properly. 

1 comment:

  1. Proficient evaluation of the process of organising, filming and editing the continuity task. Some sections seem to be missing though.
