Planning: Filming

On day one of filming we organised three of our actors (Dan Dawson, Hannah Cook and Jordan Cooper) to do the shots of the couple and the murderer. The filming session wasn't as successful as we hoped as the weather wasn't on our side so the actors refused to do a couple of the shots at that time. To use up the time we had, we did a couple of the shots involving our props.

Here is a screen shot of one our successful filmed clips from day one;

Day two of filming was even more unsuccessful as day one. Because of the time of the lesson being at the very end of the college day, all of our actors were not available for filming. To make use of the camera time, we again did filming of the chosen props used and we also added a new shot consisting of a scoping point of view shot. This helped increase our film length and also gave our piece a different type of shot.

Here is a screen shot of one our successful filmed clips from day two;

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